Saturday, May 16

Procedure when making a painting

I do not know in detail how professional artists make their artwork as paintings, but during this last week I have shot images of some of the steps towards my latest painting.

A charcoal scetch on the canvas (30x40) at the easel make some ideas of how to build up the colors of the painting.

Second step is to decide colors and painbrushes. Fill water in cups and select which part of the painting I shall start before mixing the basic colors with white or mixing the basic with themselves.

Normally I work very fast with the color adding step on canvas.. Trying to find what I have meant with the sketch and which colors can be placed besides each other

Then we have the most difficult step. Finishing up, but also not overdue. It is very difficult to know when to stop. It is impossible to return to a previous layer, very easy to destroy the intension or to change the colors to the point of no return. Overpainting and new start is one of my experiences, but dismotivating.

The last step is to name the painting. That task of giving the title I give to my blog followers. 

Sunday, May 10

Before May 17th 2020

This short blogpost shows my latest painting during the corona times.

First I have made a skyline from a city with focus on colors and how they are placed together.

This part of a well known city Ă…lesund, I have made in many versions. This painting here is not how  the area along the MOLOVEIEN is, but how I remember what I have seen based on visiting the area on the opposite side of the city´s inner harbour.