Monday, October 26

Sunday dinner with Maja

Almost six months and sitting at the Sunday dinner table.

Maja visiting us and tasted both mashed potatoes and Vanilla sauce. Her parents did not recommend tasting the Pork Rib and Norwegian sauerkraut, but the fingernail taste of Raspberry Sorbet gave us hope for a great cottage season next year.

We also opened the Rakfisk season with Gammel Opland on Saturday without Maja.
The Christmas celebrations are coming closer


Anne said...

Ååå noe så søtt :-) harru sett pp makan til hjerteknuser da.

...,men moste poteter i vaniliesaus??? Hver for seg håper jeg?? vet du foressten at meieriet i Ålesund lager norges beste???

9na said...

Å så søt hun er da, likner på deg synes jeg hahaha, eller er det sveisen som gjør det kanskje...?