
An interesting observation from last Sky Watch Friday.
Nobody gave any comment to the recommended video.
The comments was only about the photos.
Does anyone read the text, is SKW only a photoblog.
Why am I participating??
May be the photo of our grandchildren is worth a comment
However many use the time before going to bed, or even in bed, to blog and surf the net. Many have no possibility to read blogposts until they return from work. Some even post the day before. Friday blogging starts at 9 pm on Thursdays. Is it the same on Sundays? Are Sundays an IT-free zone at home?
And what about the time zones? At 10am (cest) the time in Melbourne is 7pm, and 1am in Los Angeles, all the same date.
The challenges connected to time and date have been a topic in operating mr.Linky in some of the fellowships I have participated in. Hunting for trophies by being "the first", getting as much comments as possible, sending "nice" comments in return and not at all being interested in the post itself.
Today I have decided to blog in the afternoon.
Being out of the house and at my cottage most of the day. Taking photos with my new Cannon IXUS 960 IS yesterday and during the Sunday morning. This photo hunt makes it possible to present the absolute first photos in a year, where I am again able to see the motive through a viewfinder and not only on the LCD screen.
I am not sure that you can see any quality improvement, but the gift from the old bunch is in operation. Asbjørn (the eldest in the gang) is the photographer at our lunch at Cafe Sorgenfri, Aker Brygge, Saturday. The photo of the Rhubarb coming (se also Dawn of Spring) ) is taken in the rain a few minutes ago.
Cheers to you all.
Fikk nok ikke vært med på SWF denne uken jeg da, men det kommer da fredager etter dette.
Tanken om kommentarene har slått meg også, for i de fleste tilfeller er teksten det viktigste, refleksonenen over det du ser ut i fra de erfaringer livet har gitt deg. Nesten litt "stupid" hele greia spør du meg, som blir mer og mer i tvil om en virkelig gidder å bidra. En kan lage linker til det du skriver om, men ofte får i alle fall jeg kommentarer og spørsmål, som de godt kunne fått svar på hvis de bare hadde giddet å klikke på linken.
Og tidssonene er jo også et annet "problem" om du vil. Ser jo flere har skiftet til lørdag og er godt ferdig med SWF til vi skal til å lage et innlegg. idiotisk og ergelig.
En annen ting som irriterer denne damen, er all denne fiksing og mixing med bildene. Topp fotoappparat har sikkert de fleste, i tillegg skal en liksom bearbeide bildene slik at det nesten blir som postkort !!! Noen av dem er nesten derfor bare juks og fanteri spør du meg.
Nå fikk jeg jammen ut mye surgulp på en og samme tid her inne hos deg, men dette er ting jeg har tenkt mye over ettersom fredager har passert.
For min del som er i jobb blir det liksom et rotteres ut av en annen verden om en skal kommentere nesten 100 poster hver eneste fredag..., morsomt ja, men kommentarene blir veldig så overfladiske og i få ord. Hva er meningen da ??? å få mest mulig kommentarer eller ???
Nei, egentlig synes jeg det er morsommere å ha få gode bloggvenner, enn mange som blir bare sånn snikk snakk om du skjønner...
Nydelige barnebarn har du Arne ?? Er det 2 som står i den arverekken, eller har du flere ??
Fortsatt en fin søndag til deg kjære venn. For du er en god blogg venn, DET er sikkert :-)
Klem herfra.
Og i morgen er det vel broer vel ???
Nydelig bilde av barnebarna ArneA.
Til dine meninger/kommentarer om SWF så er dette av og til litt pes, slik jeg opplever det. Om jeg skal kikke innom alle som har bidratt så vill jeg ikke fått gjort stort på fredag, som også er en kontor dag for min del.
Da tror jeg også det at man med linker inviterer andre til å se på andre ting ikke blir fulgt. Dessverre. Jeg har et par få ganger fått kommentar på linker jeg har lagt til, men det er sjelden.
Synes det er viktig å stille seg selv spørsmål om hvorfor man er med på SWF. Jeg gjør det først og fremst for å vise at jeg har tatt et bilde med tema i tankene (eller funnet et i arkivet som er verdt å dele). Å få kommentarer er hyggelig, men er kanskje ikke like flink å kommentere hos andre. Sorry til de som synes jeg er uhøffelig.
Lykke til med Broer i morgen ArneA.
Arne, read your blog every day and aways try to comment. I am currently making up to date blogroll and want to do one for ABC Wednesdays, what do you think.
Your grandson...he does have your look about him!
Have a good rest of a day!
5.45pm here! Snowing!
I'll comment in English since this blog is written in that language. I must admit that I was one of the guilty ones that did not watch the video on Friday. My excuse is that I saw your post just before l left work for home and cottage and hadn't time to watch it then - and video on a 3G connection is not to be recommended.
I have done so now and it shows the magnitude of the mountains magnificently. However, it is also evident that it was not made by yourself - maybe that (and the length) can be one reason for the lack of comments.
I have presented two fairly short videos in SWF and I know from the comments that at least some of the visitors had watched them.
Maybe your are treating SWF to seriously? I have noted myself that SWF has changed during the last couple of months, and is now dominated by fairly basic photography of uninteresting subjects. Lately I have only posted one simple picture with a minimum of comment. Making long documentaries is wasted in SWF. I'll continue with my kind of posting for the time being, but will be on the look-out for a theme where I can learn and post more advanced (for me) photography. Also, I'll only post if and when it suits me. My advice to you concerning SWF is the following: If you continue - make each post short and snappy and do not use any more time on it then you deem necessary and take the comments for what they are worth. Some, in fact, have a value.
The more intricate text and picture combo is very well suited for themes like ABC Wednesday. After the change in the system, the number of participants may have gone down a tiny bit, but the quality has gone up. I have high hopes for that theme.
Congratulations with your new camera - it seems to have been put to good use!
I have come to your site on many occasion with Sky Watch Friday, ABC Wed, and now that i am on Odd Shots, and have left comments on many of your photos. I did a research just to see how many since 2-20-08 and also to see how many comments you have left on mine. Which i will say your viewing of mine and comments you have made has not been there. So i am not sure what your complaint may be.
What does it matter when someone comes to a site?At least they are there to look and make a comment. Its better than not looking. I try to make all my rounds when it comes to viewing everyones photos. I may not have much to say when i do but at least the person knows that i have been there and enjoyed there photos.
I don't understand what all the fuss is about Linky and the time people post, i don't think it has anything to do with wanting to be the first one on the list. It has to do with those that do it, enjoy going to everyone that has signed in.
I enjoy seeing each and everyones photos.
I apologize if that is a big problem for you or anyone else.
You are a good looking couple!!!
Hi all
As the new host of Sky Watch Friday may I point out it is for fun and hopefully friendship. All I ask it that posts have something to do with the Sky... and that maybe everybody drops by a few others and says hello.
I have the time to visit all... but others do not but I still welcome them to join in though and will carry on doing so.
Please remember that most people on Sky Watch are not professional photographers. But like myself they see a shot and think.. that will do... some of the shots are very good, colouring, light and subject. Every picture taken is taken to represent what someone sees or wants others to see. Please treat Sky Watch as fun... it is not trying to compete for photographic awards or any other recognition... It is simply a place to say hello and admire the skys from around the world..
I will put this on the next Sky Watch.
I am in such a habit of not viewing videos on the computer because my old connection did not have the capacity to do so.
Last week I was on spring break from school, I caught myself blog-hopping the day away on several occasions. After all, break means relax, right? But most times I am at the computer in the evening Pacific Time, with a brief routine in the morning before I go to work.
On a day like today, when I know there will be many comments because of Odd Shots and Bridges between... , I pop in a couple of times from my school computer just to approve comments.
Rhubarb!! Wonderful! For some reason it is one of the things that my grown kids miss from home. I do, too, because our rhubarb plants have finally faded.
Cute grandkids, BTW!
Also, I agree on comments that are not relevant to the post. There is one poster on another meme whose comment is exactly the same on everyone's post. Sometimes it is comical to see how totally "out of it" the comment seems. (I hope "out of it" is not too idiomatic. Even if it is, it probably makes sense if translated literally.) I generally choose not to publish that person's comments at all. My retaliation, I guess.
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