It’s been making the rounds in [Icelandic] cyberspace and I (Alda in The Iceland Weather Report) don’t know the original source, and can’t post a link."
(Ólafur Eggertsson is half Norwegian, but according to Norwegian Aftenposten the photo is from Reuters).
Neither can I, but the photo is so beautiful and spectacular that in spite of all the troubles in Northern European Air Trafic, take a deeper look at the photo and see "so perfectly illustrates the beauty, magnificence and power of our incredible forces of nature is, and how small the human structures are in comparison".
Remember 2012 which is said to be the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mayan Long Count calendar. For more doomsday predictions, see the movie 2012
You are right--this is an absolutely amazing photo. I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog today. Thank you!
Å Hærre fred!!! Arne, dette var jo bare enormt, tenk å kunne fange noe slikt i linsa da, den mannen er heldig du. Noe av det vakreste jeg har sett faktisk, meget meget spesiellt!!
Smeis det inn til Sky Watch om få strakser!!
Oh wow this is magnificent photo!! Happy weekend!
SWF~Blue puffy sky
Wow! That really is absolutely amazing.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
wow!beautiful :)
Wow, really a dooms day could be like that? :-O So dramatic shot!
Pixellicious Photos
Men så dramatisk och vacker bild...ger mig rysningar!!!
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