Saturday, April 10

Pub activity - Working as yarn-reel

Maja was very skeptical when granddad acted as a Wool-winder or yarn-reel at Aker Brygge yesterday. Coiling up the 600 meters yarn to more handsome hanks is a challenge for the person coiling but also for the pub guest holding hands in static position for more than 15 minutes. And that was only one hank.
However Maja but mostly Hedda this time, can look forward to nice merino wool jacket, cap and socks in pastel blue and white spring colors.
(ps. some small breaks for tasting the outdoor beer in the beautiful sunshine was allowed.)

If you want to, please look at this post as my contribution to James at Newtown Area Photo's meme called Weekend Reflections. Post a reflection during the week-end, log on to MckLinky via his site - and you're on too.


Anne said...

Fatter da ikke, men får ikke opp et enda bilde jeg, må kanskje via Internet explorer, skitt

Anonymous said...

I really like how you have taken such personal photos - and found the reflection (the tree and sky in the window of the second picture)! Very, very special!

Anne said...

Forsto det du, kåt som fann, men skitt au :-) er jo vår...

Ha en superkjekk søndag Arne