Sunday, July 31

Mari 11 days

Partisipated in wedding 3 days old and visited Aker Brygge yesterday. A good start for a great urban life.

Saturday, July 30

Laila Dalseth and Per Borten

Earlier times are here again

Saturday Jazz at Lanternen

Per Borten Jazz Ensamble with Laila Dalseth at Bygdøy fronting Dronningen and Kiel ferry.

Friday, July 29

Oslo back to normal

Although some still are mourning and we all feel angry about what happened exactely one week ago, we are very concerned about coming back to a normal Friday.

Thursday, July 28

Roses all over Oslo

From the University at Karl Johan to the Royal Castle flowers even the streets

And more photos over Oslo close to the point zero:
 The Lions at the Parliament covered with flowers
 The Pm Office on top of the Government Building is the first to be restored. When will we see J.S. return.
At "Youngstorvet" Tullen is reading greetings from people. The fence is toward Einar Gerhardsens Plass and the center of the blast in Oslo.
At the Cathedral the flower ocean is increasing every day.
The flower Ocean in Kirkegaten and Stortorvet
European Media is still following the situation in Oslo and Norway.

Visualization of migration around the world

An intriguing visualization of how people move around the world. See where people move and learn more about where the 183.936 Norwegian emigrants end up and where our 485.444 immigrants come from.

Tuesday, July 26

The year of magical thinking

This morning i listened to Swedish television (SVT1) where they talked about the aftermath of the 2207-tragedy in Norway. One possibility to improve the recovery process they meant was to read literature, and one book was recommended

In August 2007 a comment from "Ingvild"  on site has been translated by me:
"The year of magical thinking." is a book full of wisdom and prudence, and when it comes to topics such as death and grief recovery that is extraordinary. It is amazing how this book is personal without feeling social pornographic or too private. Joan Didion writes soberly, but nonetheless (or perhaps therefore) very intense and strong about her experiences in facing her man's illness and death. The book's strength lies clearly in the authenticity of the story, and Didion has many wise reflections to present in relation to these strong themes.

Monday, July 25

Together with 200.000 others at Oslo City Hall Square

The Rose Procession around the street of Oslo could not be performed due to the huge volume of people. But the love and determination of "never 22nd July once more" was unified and filled our hearts.
A great experience.

A new MacBook Air

A new MacBook Air arrived this morning. Moving from my "old" MacBook Pro to the new really portable computer with a weight of 1.35 kg will change my operation modus completely. Other specifications can be found HERE.
In these days in Norway it may be not proper to express joy, but I look very much forward to start using my MacBook Air.

Sunday, July 24

An artist's participation

An artist offers his paint brush and color for people who want to sign the board in respect to the 93 deads (so far) and the 96 vounded pluss many missing from our Long Friday masacre in Oslo and Utøya. International media performing interview at Egertorvet.
The volume of flowers and lights in front of Oslo Cathedral is growing in memory of those who died and injured.

Saturday, July 23

Live from a Crime scene

Terrorist attack on Oslo, Norway. July 22, 2011. Showing the explosion with breaking windows and havoc in the streets afterwards.
(Click on the video-link below)

This YouTube video shows the development from an ordinary summer day at Karl Johan, Oslo´s main street, to the crime scene where the bomb exploded  in the middle of the Government Offices almost just around the corner.

The tragedy in Oslo and Utøya

Difficult to write blogposts, tweets and FB messages this morning. 91 dead persons (so far), many in severe condition at hospitals and still ongoing search for more victims. People all over the country are hit. Today we are one family wherever we live in this wonderful place on earth.

Thursday, July 21

Mari Torsdatter Bjørkmann

 Our 5th grandchild was born yesterday and today we could join the family photo show-up. All well.

Wednesday, July 20

A girl is born

7:20 am our fift grandchild, a girl, decided to enter this world. Everything went well and flowers to mother Rikke, father Tor-Marius and big sister Maja.
Congratulation to all. 

Monday, July 18

Raspberry season has started

 No comments needed. Everybody can understand that the High Summer is here. Rainy weather or not.

Sunday, July 17

Sunday in Frognerparken

Maja has been on a sleepover tonight, while her parents have been repainting their new flat and seen the last Harry Potter movie. A morning stroll among the Vigeland sculptures including bird feeding and watching the figures at the Bridge, is fun and educating for us all.
Learning more about The Fountain and the area around can be achieved if clicking on the link.

Friday, July 15

Norwegian sayings

Last night the red light on the north-western sky gave us signals about this morning weather. As the Norwegian sayings says: "Er aftenen rød blir morgenen blød"  (Morning red, wet evening, evening red, morning sweet).
When looking out at the cottage lawn this morning, the rain makes it impossible to cut the grass today. But waiting for tomorrow before doing it is no problem
(See for more weather signals)

Wednesday, July 13

Grandchildren on Helene´s bithday

On their last day in Norway this summer, Helene, Henrik and Hedda were together with Maja at Tullarbo celebrating Helene´s 8 years birthday.
A very nice group of grandchildren, and within two weeks we expect another girl to arrive.

Tuesday, July 12

Zimbabwe and US Virgin Islands

Today I take a break in trying to reorganize my blog between November 2010 and June 2011 (due to problem connected to the Google+ project), by adding the visiting flag nos. 170 and 171 to my blog.
The nations behind the flags have a history of colonization, political instability and "freedom".

Visiting flag no. 170 was Zimbabwe or Rhodesia as we knew it in the 1970s. I find no need to present the former or ongoing problems in this country, but follow the links if any interest.

The flag of Zimbabwe Rhodesia was designed by Flight Lieutenant Cedric Herbert of the Rhodesian Air Force and a member of the Rhodesian Heraldry and Genealogy Society. The design incorporated the pan-African colours of yellow, black, green and red with the following explanation:
Black: symbolised the achievement of majority rule in the country,
Red: was for the struggle for independence,
Yellow: represented the mineral wealth,
Green: the agricultural and natural resources of the country,
The vertical white stripe represented the white community while the central horizontal white stripe represents peace.
Flag no. 171 was U.S. Virgin Island or Danish Antilles as we called it before 1916 when Denmark SOLD the islands to USA for $25 million. Before 1804 the islands was a colony of Denmark-Notway.
The visitor from USVI searched for organ donation and found my post Say yes to organ donation seven hours ago.

The flag of the United States Virgin Islands was adopted in 1921. It consists of a simplified version of the Great Seal of the United States between the letters V and I (for Virgin Islands). The eagle holds a laurel branch in one talon, and three arrows in the other, representing the three major islands: Saint Thomas, Saint John, and Saint Croix. Additionally, the colors of the flag are: yellow, representing various characteristics of the territory and the flowers; green, symbolizing the hills; white, depicting the clouds; blue, representing the waters and red, representing love.

Friday, July 8

OX Lion and Google+ coming soon

Turning to Mac or still afraid to be a more delighted user.

See you on G+ soon, or will you continue to be a FaceBook addicted.

Monday, July 4

Google+ Killing Blogger files?

 For all of you visiting my blog I apology that photos from November 2010 until July 2011 has disappeared due to my interest in the Google+ project.
It seems that managing "My Albums" in the project had consequences beyond expectation, and that the connection to Blogger and blogger files was not protected with at least some warnings. The project has been informed about the situation / error, and I look forward to feedback and hopefully restoring of about 500 images.

The Google+ project itself looks very interesting and for all users it will enhance the scope of social networking.

Sunday, July 3

Strolling Tjuvholmen, Oslo

Strolling Tjuvholmen, Oslo on an ordinary grey but very warm Sunday. Spectacular modern buildings
 Akershus and the cruise harbor in the background.
Oslo´s new art museum Astrup Fearnley Museet  designed byRenzo Piano

To learn more about the architect look for facts in Wikipedia

Stealing and recommending

Although this photo is marked with the CopyRight seal by RunE I take the liberty to use it in promoting his blog for the days to come. At least I expect Rune to present new beautiful images from our spectacular Norwegian coastline as seen from Hurtigruten every day ahead.
Follow his blog: Visual Norway and learn more of our coastal paradises.

Friday, July 1

Summer has arrived, July first

Friday afternoon, weekend drinks at fru Burum and lovely experiences when passing the neighbors flower gardens on our way home.
Light summer dinner with cured meats consisting of ham, mutton and salt sausages. Potato salad, scrambled eggs and summer cabbage.  Wine or beer, Nespresso / Indriya. +20 C outside.
The summer evenings has begun.