Tuesday, July 12

Zimbabwe and US Virgin Islands

Today I take a break in trying to reorganize my blog between November 2010 and June 2011 (due to problem connected to the Google+ project), by adding the visiting flag nos. 170 and 171 to my blog.
The nations behind the flags have a history of colonization, political instability and "freedom".

Visiting flag no. 170 was Zimbabwe or Rhodesia as we knew it in the 1970s. I find no need to present the former or ongoing problems in this country, but follow the links if any interest.

The flag of Zimbabwe Rhodesia was designed by Flight Lieutenant Cedric Herbert of the Rhodesian Air Force and a member of the Rhodesian Heraldry and Genealogy Society. The design incorporated the pan-African colours of yellow, black, green and red with the following explanation:
Black: symbolised the achievement of majority rule in the country,
Red: was for the struggle for independence,
Yellow: represented the mineral wealth,
Green: the agricultural and natural resources of the country,
The vertical white stripe represented the white community while the central horizontal white stripe represents peace.
Flag no. 171 was U.S. Virgin Island or Danish Antilles as we called it before 1916 when Denmark SOLD the islands to USA for $25 million. Before 1804 the islands was a colony of Denmark-Notway.
The visitor from USVI searched for organ donation and found my post Say yes to organ donation seven hours ago.

The flag of the United States Virgin Islands was adopted in 1921. It consists of a simplified version of the Great Seal of the United States between the letters V and I (for Virgin Islands). The eagle holds a laurel branch in one talon, and three arrows in the other, representing the three major islands: Saint Thomas, Saint John, and Saint Croix. Additionally, the colors of the flag are: yellow, representing various characteristics of the territory and the flowers; green, symbolizing the hills; white, depicting the clouds; blue, representing the waters and red, representing love.

1 comment:

9na said...

Imponerende flaggsamling hos deg Arne. Irriterende med det +googlesurret da :)