Wednesday, August 26

Paintings August 2020

 The weather in the month of August 2020 has been nice in Oslo. Thus my balcony activity (Painting) has also been on an acceptable level. In this blogpost  I therefore present five of my latest works.

The sunset in Norway during late summer days is often pink/red coloured on the western sky and the affect between dark hills and mirroring water is expressed here.

The farmers fields are yellow during these days and a close-up with the blue autumn-to-come sky has resulted in a painting like this.

Re-doing of previous paintings has been one of my favourite activities when saving canvas instead of overpaining

This painting is also a result of changing another work from years behind. Using painting knifes instead of brushes gives also a more rough expression of the motive and also more ArneA style.

At least another black and white abstract painting giving interesting results dependent of how you look at the image.