Thursday, September 8


Today we visited our cottage after some heavy rainy days. 99.5% of the maintenance work was carried out and we cut the lawn for the first time in three weeks.  A hard days night or whatever you may call it is come to an end, but if the blue sky of today will continue the remaining days of September, we will still have some lovely days in close contact to nature.
Too close to nature is probably not recommended after we saw the Salamander on the neighbor´s garden table. A beautiful replica that may frighten some of the other creatures that pay visit to our estates.
I am not talking about this lady as a creature, and it is neither a replica, but visiting the cottage in beautiful weather is one of her favorite activities. Resting after a great working session is fair and fully deserved.

1 comment:

9na said...

Ser veldig godt ut da Arne, med sol og frisk luft og gressklipp og sånt... Jeg har ligget pal (sitter helst ikke) og skrevet søknad til Helse SørØst i hele dag for doktorgradprosjektet mitt.