Friday, June 15

Finished Paintings June 2018

Once again it is time to present my last finished paintings. Three of them have motives from Ålesund and one is an experiment of matching colours through a reorganized selfie.

"Slinningsbua" has been one of the Norwegian coast´s pearls. Due to bad weather I have made the painting without the mountains normally shown in the background. No doubt I love the blue color.

This painting is from the canal as people in Ålesund call Naftadjupet of Brosundet. The storehouses along the sea "Sjøbodene" was built after the city fire in 1904 and have been used for fish-drying and storing up to present time.

Another way of presenting "Brosundet" from Hellebroa to Nørvøya with a full freedom of playing with colors.

Playing with colors (red, blue, yellow, turquoise and white + black)  resulted in this painting too. I call it "Summer Selfie" because the faces in the image became visual when making dots in some of the fields.

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