Tuesday, March 17

From Costa del Sol to Quarantine at home in Norway

A typical portrait of a longstay guest at Costa del Sol this Winter/Spring. Happy and looking forward to the easy life with good weather and temperature, restaurant visits and meeting with friends from many countries..

Our most visited square is as you probably know Plaza de los Chinorros behind the main post office at Fuengirola.
Our local painter Manuel Escalona has always a new painting displayed in front of Casa Colon, and he has made most of the decorations at Casa Pasta just around the corner.

The Pandemonium COVID-19 are about to reach Spain. as the rest of the countries all over the world. In the beginning the virus was located only to the norhern part of the country, but when the people from Madrid and Rioja moved south, they brought the disease with them to Andalusia, and Antibac became an important tool to prevent infections.

At the Mediterranean Sea fishing boats are bringing their daily catch ashore. The Seagulls are following the trawlers from behind the horizon and close to the beaches.

At the Chiringuitos other birds want to be fed by customers. But:

Suddenly the Spanish Government decided to shut down most of the venues where people used to meet also at Costa del Sol. Barriers like this made it clear that the beaches are closed.

The Government by the Norwegian foreign minister requested all Norwegians to return home. We decided therefore to make an earlier return home. The last night at our apartment and patio during this shortened stay was used to examine some of the stars visible on the dark sky Here is the planet Venus.

Now the Quarantine of 14 days has started.
Maybe another blogpost will tell you how we manage the isolated situation at home. Take care.


as said...

life late

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Waliwanlekke said...

I enjoyed this post thanks for sharing.