Wednesday, May 11

Maja 2 years old today

In May, two years ago, Maja our third grandchild was born.  Now she is waiting for her sister to arrive late July and then we are up in total 5 grandchildren.
Children playgrounds are found many places along Akerselva, and Maja, her mother and I "played" together in Nydalen last Saturday. The ice-cream photo can be posted another time.

Maybe she already has adapted her father´s dream about a new motorbike.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Nei har du sett :-) ikke til å tro, jaggu begynner VI å dra på åra(?)! :-( synes da det nesten var få uker siden den jenta så verdens lys, underlig underlig, også ny baby på vei, arti arti Arne!!