Tuesday, February 1

Hedda sitting

There is always some milestones for newborn children. The annual birthdays, the first tooth and the day they start to wobble, the first understandable word (granddad of course), the end of using diaper, the first day at school, the PhD graduation, etc.
Today I can present the first day Hedda was able to sit and play by herself. With still eleven weeks until she reach one year (based upon pregnancy estimation birthdate) but as a premature born child 13 weeks too early at a body-weight of 647 gr, it is really one of the nice milestone day.

Keep on developing, Hedda. You are a strong little girl.


9na said...

Great girl and amazing story... But still I think the jump from diapers to PhD was quite huge... Jeg mener, jeg har slutta med bleier for 46 år siden tror jeg, eller deromkring, i hvertfall skryter mora mi om at jeg var så tidlig ute, men det er først nå jeg vurderer å bli ordentelig doktor, da...

Anne said...

Skal si :-) en flott merkedag som en godt kan skrive seg bak øre ja.

Så utrolig flink du Arne til å virkelig glede deg over slike dager, og det lyser kjærlighet både fra ordene her og omtanken bak. En har mye å lære fra deg kloke mann.