Sunday, April 6

Departure time

There is a time for everything.
These days many of the long-stayers are leaving Spain for this spring. They are returning to their homes up in the north to experience springtime once more.
Two of our friends went to the airport this morning:

John returned to his home in Portadown, Armagh N.Ireland

and Ola Hilari to his hometown Ålesund, Sunnmøre Norway. (Ola left together with his wife Kari and daughter Ellen)

We are now only four couples left (two Norvegian and two British) and the departure of us all will take place during the coming days and weeks.
The weather at Costa del Sol has been very good this spring although the wind has been a little too chilly sometimes. Only two days with rain (part of the days) and that is the first time we have experienced since 2010. (see my earlier blogposts from these springs)

I will use this opportunity to thank the managing director Carlos and his crew at Myramar for their hospitality and good services. We will return, first in August and then October this year (if the health condition allows us to do so)

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