Tuesday, November 4

25 years since Norway´s first Heart Transplant

Wednesday 5th it is 25 years since Bente (a 22 years young woman in 1983) from Trondheim was the first heart transplant in Norway.On this 5 years old photo Bente is no. 2 from the right. In addition you see other number 1 transplants (TX). From left Troels Mathiesen, Combined Heart, Lung and Liver transplant, Nina Volden Combined Heart and Lungs transplant and me (far right) Combined Heart and Kidney transplant. In the middle Dr. Svein Simonsen who has played the most important role in the selection and follow up of TX patients, and thus making TX-Cor a success story in Norway.

The successful transplantation 25 years ago will be celebrated in "Gamle Logen" Oslo Wednesday, November 5th, with presentations of
What happened these important days and hours in 1983,
The experiences of this high competence medicine during 25 years (50% lives after 12 years),
Immunological Challenges, and
The way forward through tomorrow´s challenges and possibilities.
In addition:
The so-called Spanish Model - The recipe for success, and
How to achieve 30 pmi Organ Donation in Norway
The Mayor of Oslo will after this celebration give a reception at the City Hall.

About 50 transplanted persons and family will end the day with a common dinner at one of Oslo´s Restaurants at Aker Brygge.

Since this is a Wednesday I add the ABC-meme logo and say

P is for Prolongation of Life through Organ Transplantation
P is for President to be; Barack Obama of USA


Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

I support your PLOT 100%

I don't know about the next p of a but I wouldn't announce a winner until all the results are in. I've known a few too many premature victory celebrations.

Petrus said...

Yes transplants have given hope to so many people - lets hope medical science will continue to smash the barriers ..

Reader Wil said...

Arne this is a great post and gives new hope. My eldest grandson is sixteen and has had a heart condition since the day he was born. I really hope and pray that he will either outgrow his condition or have an operation. It's wonderful Arne, that you and your friends in the picture have had such a successful operation. Thanks for sharing.

Michele said...

Wonderful photograph! Smiles so big, success even bigger! I applaud medical science, a standing ovation and hope for bigger and better successes in the future!
Mountain Retreat- Canada

Rinkly Rimes said...

Prolongation!! A wonderful P word and a wonderful story.

Leslie: said...

This is an amazing post! I heartily support organ transplantations along with many of my family and friends.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I hope your predicted p is correct, for all our sakes. Wholeheartedly support organ transplantation. A very personal p post.

Bear Naked said...

Congratulations to you and all the other Organ recipients and a heartfelt thank you to all the Organ donors.

Bear((( )))

photowannabe said...

I love your word for the day and what it means. Congratulaions to the Doctors and medical science that has given you prolongation of your life.

Brocante said...

Organ donation is so important! Let's never forget that!

Anne said...

Sterk lesning Arne.
Har bare lyst til å si; God fornøyelse i kveld :-))

Som mine dager er said...

Det er så lærerikt å komme inn til deg, for de fleste innleggene dine er så informative. Kjempeviktig med organdonasjon og ikke minst at verden har kommet såpass langt at man kan utføre slike operasjoner med stor vellykkethet.

Det blir sikkert en flott kveld i kveld, så jeg må bare få ønske deg lykke til.

Klem fra Marit

Og vi ønsker lykke til, til Obama. Wow, det var tøfft at han vant!

Maria Verivaki said...

and indeed it was p for president obama!

9na said...

Da er det 25 år siden jeg satt på Blindern i studentkantinen og vi leste Dagbladets omtale av den første transplantasjonen da. Det gjorde stort inntrykk og jeg husker jeg tenkte at cardiologi eller thoraxkirurgi i grunnen hadde vært morsomt å jobbe med. Jeg valgt noe annet da, etterhvert, som jeg er veldig fornøyd med.

Liz Hinds said...

Now that's a wonderful photo celebrating life!

Anne said...

Ja, kunne jo ikke irritere meg så over den dansken. Trøstes min, enn om jeg hadde mistet jobben min du!!
Lagt ut intern informasjon på nettet, måte på eksternt også da...
Men når sant skal sies ryktes det jo i nærmiljøet i alle fall.
Føler at "pasientene våre" de som føles opp her, renner ut og forsvinner ut gjennom mine fingre som fin sand. De ser ingen hensikt i å komme tilbake til den "dansken".
Vel... adminsitrasjon skjønner ikke at en mann med to doktorgarder fantisk kan være en reinhekla idiot når det gjelder og forholde seg til mennesker. Nesten så man kunne ønske seg et lite vitnemål for sosial intelligens også når man jobber i dette vesenet.

Vel... back to work!!
og takk for at du lyttet...
Men her må man jo det enten man vil eller ikke :-)))

Rune Eide said...

Jeg håper du feiret slik an ledningen var verd. Jeg skulle vørt der - men slik går det ikke alltid.

Anne-Berit said...

Virkelig noe verdt å feire,håper dere hadde en fin kveld.

Torsdag 1952 said...

It is good to see that there is hope and it is good to remind people starting a chance beeing an organ donor.
Say hallo to all this wonderful people you know working in living in this alliance.
Hilsen Hartmut

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Now we can indeed start celebrating after the fireworks.