Monday, January 26

The never ending story

Well, it happened once more.
Planned surgery for a "new" eyelid was interrupted seconds before the scalpel should come in contact with my face. The anesthetist did not get the full control over the medical procedure called Sedation. From Wikipedia we can read:
Sedation scales are used in medical situations in conjunction with a medical history in assessing the applicable degree of sedation in patients in order to avoid under-sedation (the patient risks experiencing pain or distress) and over-sedation (the patient risks side effects such as suppression of breathing, which might lead to death).
According to my surgeon and the anesthetist in charge this became the situation for me. They could not find the correct balance and when I stopped breathing, they decided to stop the operation and evaluate an alternative procedure.

But of corse this is not a quick fix for a medical challenge like me, so I was sent home waiting for the their decision. I therefore send this tulips to the medical persons (Ellen and Kari) in charge at Ullevål. It is always an evidence of great competence to know when to stop and getting additional professional assistance. I am still breathing and ready for a second enrollment next week.


Anne said...

Huff å min for et rot der nede.
En er jo så forberdet, og så klar, også må man reise hjem med uforettet sak. nei, slike ting skulle vært på plass FØR...
Ja, ja, du har friskt mot og strutter som en tulipan ser jeg :-)

Fin dag til deg Arne.

Rune Eide said...

Det skal ikke være enkelt her i livet, og du har har jamen hatt din del. Og taklet den bra.

Jeg har noe kunnskap om området narkose, og det synes som om du har, som du selv sier, hatt meget kompetent personell. Lykke til neste gang!

PS Du kan jo kose deg litt i mellomtiden med denne (jeg skal nå hente en brukt Mac som kan være kjekk som leketøy). Så kan man jo ha videokonferanse.

Shrinky said...

Oh my goodness, how perfectly horrible, I cannot imagine the frustration, adrenalin, anxiety and the feeling of being in limbo you must be experiencing right now.

I do so hope it will behind you soon, and you can focus upon your recovery. I wish you well my friend, and am sending warm healing thoughts your way.

GundaM said...

En har ingenting å klage over skjønner jeg, men så er ikke jeg en klager heller da men vet om mange som skulle ha prøvd livet...Klager bare det er litt vind!

Ha en flott uke der ute Arne, trivelig du stikker innom innimellom ;)

Anonymous said...

Yikes. This is what we all fear happening in surgery. Hope they figure the way to have you solidly out as is the only humane way to treat anyone undergoing a knife .