Two Norwegian doctors have been
working in Gaza since New Year. They have been one of the important sources for information about what is going on in this, by Israel, sealed off area. Their working conditions in Gaza are incomparable to their work in Norway, where we as patients at Rikshospitalet have the possibility to get advanced high quality surgery and life saving procedures like
Organ Transplantation.
469 organs to 425 person was transplanted in 2008. More than last year, all time high.
At the same time 192 patients were on the waiting list for operation.

The gap between reported potential donations and realized donations has more or less been the same last ten years.

People saying NO to donation in 2008 was 42 0r 29%

There is still a lot of work to do in the information and motivation area, and part of this challenge was up for
debate in the Parliament this week.
Ja dette er så utrolig viktig. Jeg har sagt ifra til mine nærmeste at kommer vi engang i den situasjon(måtte gud forby,syns vi har fått vår del av død og elendighet) så vil jeg at de skal si ja til donasjon.
Ruth var en av grunnene til at vi fikk øynene opp for hvor viktig dette var.
Ha en fin helg
Ja Randi funker helt greit...det er jo det jeg heter:-)
Der klarte du å kombinere bra!
Very interesting figures, Arne.
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