Thursday, November 12

Lilies from Brit

When my sister Brit visited us last weekend she gave us a bucket of Lilies. From the flower shop to the living room takes almost no time, but for these flowers they needed four days in our home to show their real beauty.
I have searched the web to find out more about the Lilies and ended up with the name Lilium auratum var rubrovittatum or Japanese gold volume lily.

Nevertheless the flowers are beautiful on the fireplace shelf. Thanks Brit.


Anne said...

Jammen blomstrer det rundt deg om dagen, nydleige liljer, men på et sykehus er de der helt PYTON!!
Husker vi stelte de blomstene og hele det hvite kostymet ble orange av blomsterstøv, fytti raker...

Rune Eide said...

Uansett navn - vakre var de.