Monday, October 27

Monday Odd Shot

Norway is an Oil and Gas producing country, but very few efforts have been done to deliver cheap and safe energy to our households. The ruling party prefers to pump and export.
The only effect (in addition to the trillions dollars in companies abroad) we can see, is that the market in Europe is our domestic market, giving energy prizing at least on European level. May be that is ok from an environmental saving philosophy , but why cannot we take part in the European decisions too as a fully member if everything else are according to EU rules and regulations. That is the real ODD thing.

My Odd Shot this week is from the neighborhood where the hot water pipings or District heating are creeping closer every day. (My shadow is my logo)Heavy concrete cable bridges crossing the new pipes. Guess not many of you have seen what is under the surface outside your house.


Rune Eide said...

I'm most impressed by the concrete slab on the point of breaking.

Gerald (SK14) said...

underground pipes are so fascinating. When they relaid the gas pipes in Hyde earlier this year I took a number of photos.

Anne said...

Dette innlegget minner meg på at jeg bare må ned på industriområdet her å ta bilder når kabelbåten kommer. Rør til Nordsjøen vet du :-)

Fant du ikke utmerkelsen inne hos meg??

Ivar Østtun said...

Er det ikke rart at noe går galt når Kåre Gravemaskinfører begynne å grave uten å sjekke hva som er nedi jorda først? Er mange en telekabel og strøkabel som er gravd av...

GundaM said...

Tøfft, synd en ikke kan stoppe og beundre de som jobber med disse rørene...De bare stanser opp og gliser til en og så plystrer de slik....?
