Thursday, January 8

Red skies for peace in Gaza and the middle east

Heavy demonstrations in the street of Oslo tonight.
Ten thousands of persons joined the torch parade, but prior to this peaceful demonstration fighting in the main streets and close to the Israeli embassy took place between activists and police forces. News papers and media are covering the development of the demonstrations. We have not seen actions like this in Oslo since the 80s.
The demonstrations, fighting and tear gas are contradictory to the peaceful sky an hour after sunset and before the turmoils started.


9na said...

Ja, ikke sant himmelen var utrolig i dag? Og krigen er grusom.

GundaM said...

Hadde bare kvinnene fått kommet til sin rett der nede hadde det blitt fred! Eller i allefall bedre.

Noe så innmari bortkastet.... Hadde ikke været her i trøndelag vært som det er ikveld hadde ejg tatt bilen og kjørt til Trondheim og fakkeltoget der.
Mitt hjerte gråter for de der nede, alle men spesielt barna som er så utrolig uskyldige.


FO - 2 said...

Sterke kontraster.....

Rune Eide said...

A neat illustration - fully supported!!

Zee said...

Hei på deg ... eg kann ikke snakke Norsk velde godt længere, so eg må gå tilbake til Engelst...
So you are in Oslo, that is a fine city indeed, though for some reason I still prefer Bergen - maybe that's just an old habit since I used to live there, in an other epoch, in an other time. Now I live in upstate New York (since 22 years) and when I look at your fabulous pictures, I long to be back in Norway.
The Israeli and Palestinian conflict, especially what happens right now in Ghazza, is a tricky situation. I condemn Israel for being so heavy handed, it's a massacre. But I also frown at the stupidity and religious righteousness of Hamas who don't give a shit about the general population in their continuous quest of martyrdom.
There was a grave mistake done by Israel after the 1967 war, namely to let illegal settlements poke holes into Palestine like a Swiss Ementaler cheese, enclose them with walls and barbed wire, taking control of the water resources on Arab land, cut down olive groves and other plantations, deny access from one village to an other. (and so on- and so on...)
The problem really is, that only a few control the shaping of this world...and most of those are hungry for power, the more the better.
It is a sad story that humanity does not know better than this.