Tuesday, October 27

Swine flu and Seasonal flu jab received

Seasonal flu immunisation, or the Flu jab, is the injection of a vaccine against flu. It gives good protection from flu that lasts for one year. The flu vaccines currently available give 70-80% protection against infection, with flu virus strains closely matching those in the vaccine.
The seasonal flu vaccine will not protect you from Swine flu. Some people will be at high risk from both types of flu. They will need both jabs.

I have taken the Seasonal flu jab for some years and got my annual doses earlier today.
I also got my Swine flu vaccination as one of the priority groups.

The vaccination programme has now begun in many countries, and in Norway the Administration has opened a dedicated website Pandemi.no describing important information about the Swine Flu challenges.


9na said...

Så bra, da er i hvert fall du sikret... Her har minstemann alle symptomer inklusive 40 i feber og jeg er på stigende kurs, og jeg lurer nå litt på mannen min også... Så da vet vi hvem vi skal ringe til om fire dager når vi trenger mer paracet og brus og druer og sånt...

Anne said...

YES!!! du MÅ ha, helt klart.

Jeg skulle nå hat en vaksine jeg også, for til tider har jeg nok et svin i stua her..., men om vaksine hjelper???

Rune Eide said...

Positivt - jeg fikk min for en uke siden. Bortsett fra en svakt øm arm har bivirkningene vært lik null.

Så får vi bare håpe at den virker på oss også...