Thursday, November 26

Circling Nøklevann

From the north-western lake "Sognsvann" to the eastern lake "Nøklevann". Moving variations when prioritizing health and weight reductions.

The forested and hilly areas surrounding the Norwegian capital Oslo (Marka) is loaded with possibilities to exercice at good forest trails, and experience the beauty in nature. The training walk today was circling lake Nøklevann 8.4 km.
Nøklevann, located in Østmarka is marked by its location on top of basement rock (more than 1 billion years old) containing easy-to-see folds that make up valleys and hills in the north-south direction. For this reason the terrain has a lot of hills, no matter where one goes. The latest ice age has left its ostensible marks in the terrain. Along the upper marine border (about 210 meters) the ice has left large amounts of gravel and sand.
The water suplies to lake "Nøklevann" are quite visible along the trail, and due to heavy rainfall lately, the waterfalls are cascading down the hillsides.
A dam was built at the Rustad Sawmill, and when it was completed in 1903, the water level increased by five meters. In 1923 the dam was enlarged, and the water level rose by two more meters.
The "Circling Nøklevann"-trail is all over covered with lights for use during the dark periode of the year, and is an appreciated"service" for the citizens of Oslo. There are a total of 106 kilometer lighted ski trail in the Oslo area.
The lights in Oslo's forests is lit at the same time as the street lights in town, and goes out at 23.00.

If you still love skiing, it is only to wait for the snow out there. (Temp. +8 C today)


Anne said...

Aldri hørt om før, men du så vakkert!! og Arne, som!! du har fanget det hele med ditt kamera.
Skikkelig vakkert. Hadde vært spennede å vandre der også etter mørkets frembrudd sikkert. Det fristet nå meg litt, småromantikk vet du, ikke typen til glinsende joggedress og tunga på knærne nei...

og glem nå ikke den mailadressa!!

Anne said...

Etter mørket..., kl 2 her det nå, farsken å.

Klem ja, DET skal du få.

9na said...

Du store min, Arne, jeg hadde tenkt meg en tur her i dag, og kanskje vi hadde truffet på hverandre akkurat der mellom Bremsrud og Sarabråten (på det siste bildet ditt), men det ble med tanken altså, jeg satt fast i symaskinen. Og Anne; Det der er toillprat, du har hørt om Nøklevann før, du har lest min blogg lenge nå og der har Nøklevann vært avbildet opptil flere ganger, det er mitt nærområde dette her...! :)

9na said...

Næmmen, er det mulig, ja nå ser jeg det ja, nå er jeg sjokkert over meg selv, jeg kjenner egentlig hver stein her jeg... ;)