Tuesday, August 3

"Mitt lille land" - Photo Competition

Petunia alias Astri Meidell is one of my favorite Norwegian bloggers.
She sometimes comes up with interesting and funny competitions and with some really impressive prizes for the winner. I have ended top on her lists once before but see no reason not to participate once more. "You cannot win them all" is a saying normally used in a different context, but may also be useful here.
If you are a blogger outside Norway, I see no limitations in Petunia´s rules for the competition making it impossible for you to participate.

My contribution in the "My own country" (Mitt lille land) Summer competition 2010 shows Tullen and myself at the summit of the Norwegian mountain range Norefjell called Høgevarde, known for its vast view (estimated 40,000 km²) over eastern Norway.
At the top there is an iron plate giving names and directions to mountains along the horizon. About 100 meters below the peak is the Høgevard-Cabin, a self service Cabin kept by the DNT (Den Norske Turistforenin).
I covered my tour to Høgevarde in an earlier blogpost outside the competition, but join now with the purpose to win. :)
I have tried twice before to reach the summit, but had to turn back without coming to the top. This time, with about 12 kg less weight than before, in dense fog, light rain and heavy wind, I managed to touch the sign documenting the altitude and feel proud.
"Climbing" the Norwegian mountains is really a challenge for transplanted persons, but without a target the alternative to palliative treatment would be as good as any.

I also include an image of the density of the fog and the view when climbing up the steep path from Fyrisjø and Gulsviksetrene up to Ranten (1419m) and Høgevarde.Learn more about the area at Høgevarde.no


Petunia said...

Det var jo et skikkelig herlig bilde av dere!! Dette ser jo ut som en kjempefin tur og jeg synes at det representerer litt av det at her finnes det ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær og at vi er flinke å komme oss ut på tur, selv på en dag med tåke og regn!
Takk for bidraget ditt:)

Vilt og vakkert said...

Kommer ikke utenom at Norge er et langstrakt land med alle værtyper på en gang. Merkelig at vi aldri kan ha samme vær i sør og nord!
Dette viser hvor skiftende og ustabilt det kan være - sånn som i sommer, men flott land er det okke som ;:OD)

sissel said...

Flott bilde av dere. Jeg elsker Norge med sine ulike værslag, og når man kan stå på en fjelltopp slik som dette er det jo ikke mindre spesielt.