Sunday, June 15

PhotoSafari - A week with blossom

A week on photosafari. In my own neighborhood. My camera is always there. Battery uploaded and 2 GB ready for short term storing.

My Beautibush has from June 7th (last saturday) till yesterday (june 14th) developed from an ordinary green bush to an ocean of pink white flowers.
My Kolkwitzia has every June/July from late 70s been a "starting tag" for communication with persons passing our cottage. They just have to stop and admire the fantastic blossom.

The first photo was taken last Saturday when the small red flowers emerged
The second taken three days later (last tuesday)
and yesterday (Saturday 14th) she looked like this.
Outside the garden Heggspinn-møllen is making a different view of the Bird Cherry. The net around the bush is completely making a spooky image. Thousands of insects are crawling inside the net eating leaves. The only positive reflection is that the tree itself is not harmed and can next year show its blossom like Herman Wildenvey wrote in his poem Heggen der Hjemme read by Liv Dommersnes The link will also give you music by Karin Krog and John Surman.
No wonder I am relaxing with a glass of Rose wine and the sense of Peonies in full blossom.


FO - 2 said...

Skål for deg og for sommer`n! :)

Rune Eide said...

Du mangler en rhododendron ...