Tuesday, December 2

To Hospital and back

After some hours stay and some tests at the RH hospital, the doctors decided to send me home and come back next week due to more urgent surgery needs. Lucky me living only in a short distance from Gaustad, or perhaps that was the reason why I had to go home instead of somebody else.

Nevertheless, here I am thankful for all the best wishes concerning my condition and recovery.Sorry to tell, that the same condition is not valid for Truls (picture) who at the moment is fighting for his life at the Intensive Care Unit at the same hospital. Truls had a double-lung transplantation two and a half years ago and have been in good shape until he got seriously ill ten days ago.
I had in ICU only a short talk with his wife, Hilde, and saw Truls laying there with intubation for breathing help but not awaken. He is really ill!
Certainly he is at the right place and will get all the help possible from the most qualified medical personnel in Norway. Hopefully he will recover within short.


Anne said...

Våre tanker går helt klart til Truls og Hilde..., krysser fingre.

Rune Eide said...

Vi skal krysse alle de fingre og tær vi har!!

Truls er en kjernekar og har gjort en kjempejobb for organisasjonssaken.

Petunia said...

Jeg henger meg virkelig på Anemone og Rune sine ønsker her. Krysser det jeg har.
Varme klemmer herfra:)

Torsdag 1952 said...

Hallo Arne,
"Alles Gute" - "All the best" - "Alt godt"
for Truls.
Hilser Hartmut

Ivar Østtun said...

Godt at du er på beina igjen. Trist å høre(og lese på bloggen) om Truls.

Pernille said...

Trist å høre om Truls. Mine tanker går til Hilde og Truls og jeg krysser fingrer og tær!

Men godt å se deg hjemme igjen. Det er jo der jeg vil ha deg:)

Ta vare på deg selv og kos deg mens du er hjemme hos din kjære:)

Stor klem fra meg:)

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

All my best wishes to Truls whatever the outcome - you too my friend.