Monday, November 22

Bambi on Ice and at Inger´s home

One of the returning Christmas Movies on TV here in Norway is Bambi on Ice.
The Disney Classic cartoon has been on the favorite list probably not for our family alone, and more than 360.000 persons have watched the YouTube versions in Norwegian and English.
This morning Bambi visited the home of some friends, and with camera, email and some YouTube searches we ended up with a nice blogpost to share with you and eventually your families.

Then it it only to wait for springtime when Bambi and friends Hit PubertyHave a nice week up to the first Sunday in Advent 2010.


Anne said...

Huldra med sitt Bambi blikk har her fått gode tips dennen kvelden, og følger jeg alle råd, ja da skal du se jeg får pusa opp den stua jeg også. hvor pokker var det sexy undertøyet du???

Anne said...

Uansett tøff start Arne = blitt glad i deg jeg mann :-) to år, skitt au som tiden også kommer fort, he he