Tuesday, February 12

Almost 100 visitors a day

After changing text language from Norwegian to English I have noticed an increase in visits to my blog. Last week almost 100 visits were registered every day. Not all are leaving comments, but if blogging is a global approach of distributing information and sharing experience and thus bridging gaps between me and the world, the change must be characterized as a success.
However, if some of the visitors, especially those coming by at other days than ABC Wednesdays and Sky Watch Fridays, feel that it is difficult to make comments because the host is using English, or the topics is not interested enough, please tell me in your own language.
It is more difficult to climb the mountains below.For those of you not familiar with commenting up till now, here is a short description of how to do it:
At the end of my post you see something like this:

Lagt inn av ArneA på 8:21 AM 36 kommentarer

1. ckick on “kommentarer”
2. a new window pops up where comments (if any) from other visitors can be read, and a frame occurs at the end with the heading Skriv en kommentar
3. Write whatever you like within the frame

4. Before you send the comments you have to identify yourself by:
a) mark your Blogger/Google account with username and password, or
b) mark your nickname and url or
c) signing your name in the comment text and mark the category anonym

5. Send your comments by clicking on “Publiser kommentaren din”

That is all.
The first time is "always" difficult, but not so difficult as swimming the fjords from Sykkylven to Ålesund seen in the far background.
Looking forward to seeing you making comments.

ps: Asbjørn is still the photographer from his terrace at Sykkylven


SandyCarlson said...

Beautiful images, ArneA.

Thanks for stopping by this morning.

ANNA-LYS said...


and I thought it was 'cause I had to links to Your blog on my site ;-)

Klara said...

Uhøflig som jeg er velger jeg å kommentere på norsk. Nei, jeg blir ikke bedre i min dårlige engelsk av det, men du får nå en kommentar..
Du vet forresten at du kan endre oppsettet ditt til engelsk sånn at "alt" blir på engelsk også kommentarfelt mm. Du gjør nok det, men nå skriver jeg det alikevel..

dot said...

Maybe because you have such nice pictures! I'm happy for you that you are getting all those comments.
Some people will always lurk and never leave a comment. I don't know why. It is hard to leave a comment tho when you don't know what is beeing discussed on the blog.

Rune Eide said...

Re your comment tower: see comments to this post.

FO - 2 said...

Utformingen av bloggen din er fin den! Og helt ditt eget valg. ;)
Jeg er "mulispråklig" på min blogg. Har gjennomsnittlig 80-100 besøkende hver dag. Har lest ett sted at bare 20% av alle besøkende på en blogg legger igjen en kommentar.
Det kan være veldig greit å ha et internasjonalt preg, om man vil nå mange.

Mrs Mac said...

Beautiful photo...

I have always wanted to learn your language but haven't been able to find classes here in England. I have been told, also, that it is the hardest language to learn! I would like to speak it, if only a little, because I want to visit your country- and I don't want people there to think I expect them to speak ENglish, I'd like them to see I've at least tried to learn the language!