Sunday, February 17

Can you save the world?

It´s Sunday. Many of us use the day to relax in front of sport on TV, but many more use the hours in the nature, skiing and touring. Some even go to church.

I had my time with a female priest and her Communion wine yesterday at Cafe Sorgenfri without being to much impressed of the food delivered accordance to in the new menu. Next Saturday we will return to C.C. with a lesson learned: Do not change a winning team.

Perhaps the bird at the table came with the latest news about How to save the world, and at home Wired delivered an article about almost the same.
But, before you start saving, perhaps a list of the most important TO-Do activities could help. Some of the world's brightest minds have used more than a year pondering how best to improve life on Earth and came up with 14 Grand Engineering Challenges: What are they?
Make solar energy affordable.
Provide energy from fusion.
Develop carbon sequestration methods.
Manage the nitrogen cycle.
Provide access to clean water.
Restore and improve urban infrastructure.
Advance health informatics.
Engineer better medicines.
Reverse-engineer the brain.
Prevent nuclear terror.
Secure cyberspace.
Enhance virtual reality.
Advance personalized learning.
Engineer the tools for scientific discovery.
On the way back to my iMac and blogfriends we also stopped and had our own glass of Chardonnay at fru Burums (our local) and could not avoid taking this shot. May be that also can keep unwanted persons away from delivering virus comments, like "click here". (Frivolity behavior will lead to Expulsion)


Rune Eide said...

Mye bra her - Ta titt hos meg - det kan være du finner noe passende til DEG!

Anne said...

Ja !! Mye sport, skal derfor starte eget avløserlag for gubben jeg nå...

Anne said...

Ser ut til at jeg i dag blir bortvist :-(

Rune Eide said...

Til Anemone: Det var stygt gjort...

Pernille said...

Her er det ikke mye sport på tv. det fikk jeg nok av som unge;)Her har det gått i fotograferings-krig;) Hele familien mot hverandre i en vennskapelig kamp. Hi hi. Men du har jo hatt en trivelig søndag selv om ikke menyen var så bra. Kjempekoselig med kafebesøk på en søndag:)
Tusen takk for en koselig kommentar forresten!
Du finner nok ingen ting om utstyret mitt på bloggen. Men jeg holder på å spare til et Cannoen eos 400 og er snart i mål. Men så kom gubben heim med en bygave til meg nettopp. Et Fujifilm FinePix 5570 som jeg ikke helt får til.Hi hi. Gammelkameraet er et Cannon Ixus 500.
Ha en trivelig uke der nede i Sør:)