Thursday, February 7

Leftovers and Communication areas

When I prepare for the ABC Wednesday I have at least two different way of thinking.
Shall I find the most spectacular object or idea, or shall I show a variety of photos covering the chosen letter.

I have done the last and also shown some of my own works with paintbrush in Acrylic on Paper or Canvas.

The result of that thinking is that you sit with a lot of leftover photos which could have joined my presentation, but did not match volume and theme for the day.

Therefore you just have to look at some additional photos this Thursday under the vignette C (i.e. the Chinaware here)

In addition many of the new Blog-fellows are interested in Interiors, Furniture, Books and Cats so why not give them something.

Today blogging is therefor only a photo presentation under that area. It is up to the visitors and readers to evaluate if this way of blogging, also is in the commenting mode.

I start with the Cervantes Monument in Madrid for all the lovers of Don Quijote, the world best bookI follow up with the Cat from the Pavillion in BrightonContinuing with my Chair in the painting studio (old but excellent to sit an evaluate my works in operation)Ending up with a photo taken out fishing for Cod, as a reminder that it is Skrei season and that is the only recommended dinner at the time


Edmund (the explorer) Nesbitt said...

What a big fish!
Do you eat a lot of fish in Norway?
I need to find out you see.


Marie said...

Stolt og glad fiskar ser eg!

Du har god greie på mykje du Arne, men gardsdrift trur eg du har liten peiling på... Eg skal ikkje kome med ei lang lekse om lange arbeiddagar og låg inntekt, det prellar nok likevel av.
Sjølvsagt må eg leve med at folk er imot overføringane til landbruket, eg trøystar meg med at over 70% av av dei som er spurte støttar oss.

Så er det mykje eg ikkje har peiling på også, "han veit best kor skoen trykkjer han som har han på..."

Ein fin dag til byherren :)

dot said...

That's some fish you caught!! I enjoyed all your pictures but my favorite is the chinaware. Very beautiful!

Dick said...

Oh my, that is a big fish.

becky aka theRAV said...

you have a very interesting blog here. Thanks for commenting on mine.

Becky aka theRAV

DigitalShutterMania said...

Arnea, wow you got the big fish. What kind of fish is that?

Lilli & Nevada said...

Well now they are all wonderful and i can just see you sitting in that chair thinking.
But that last photo of that fish is a lot of fish to fry. I say you were one happy looking fellow

Sharon said...

All these pictures were good! My favorites were the vase reflected in the mirror (I love oriental designs) and the cat.