Wednesday, August 13

Collection of photos from the right bank of Tiber

Roman Catholics dip their fingers in the holy water and make the sign of the cross when entering St Peter´s Basilica as a reminder of baptism. Why Tullen does it I have never understood.
The complete lists of Popes / Pontifices (except the present) is found inside the basilica. If you are interested in "popes" or Pontifex Maximus prior to this list, click on the link.One of the major artworks in the basilica is Bernini´s Baldacin. It is placed over the tomb of St. Peter and the dome is 120 meters above.One of the other "have to" in the Basilica is to touch the feet of St Peter.Outside the Basilica there are many arrival ways. The main road leading straight up to the St Peter´s Square is called Via della Concilazione. It is roughly 500 m in length and connects Saint Peter's Square to the Castel Sant'Angelo on the western bank of the Tiber River. In addition to the usual lining of shops and residences, it is bordered by a number of historical and religious buildings – including the Palazzo Torlonia, the Palazzo dei Penitenzieri and the Palazzo dei Convertendi, and the churches of Santa Maria in Traspontina and Santo Spirito in Sassia.Castel St Angelo at the "beginning of the road" is a towering cylindrical building in Rome, initially commissioned by the Roman Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum for himself and his family; today a museum.
Legend holds that the Archangel Michael appeared atop the mausoleum, sheathing his sword as a sign of the end of the plague of 590, thus lending the castle its present name.To be continued.......


Petunia said...

Egentlig ble jeg litt sur nå fordi "fortsettelse følger" er ikke noe en utålmodig sjel som meg liker å lese....
Men jeg skal heve meg over det og si at innlegget i dag var også av høy klasse:)
Takk for at du deler med oss andre!
Det er noe til deg på bloggen min i dag! Værsågod!

Rune Eide said...

Forsetter det slik så slipper vi å reise til Roma.Bra.

Dick said...

Wonderful buildings, nice post

Anne said...

Hei på deg, her er jeg, og nå med hatten på snei :-)

Opplevd Roma igjen sammen med knekkebrød her en sen kveldsstund, takk skal du ha Arne.
Det er noe særs over Italia ja...