The photo above shows that we are not so concerned with that time factor here in Norway. The christmas decoration-lights are still up in the trees (and perhaps Petunia´s "JuleNisse" also remains at the top of the flagpole).
As an a-religious person I am not so concerned as many others about what is right or wrong about candies and christian periodical activities. Our society has lately been very concerned about different dress codes for muslims, jews, christians etc. The next drawing made me laugh, but someone may also interpreted it as blasphemy. If so, sorry, but I thought Adam and Eve was only part of the Old Testament, and not historical persons like the rebel Jesus as described in Erich Fromms book The Dogma of Christ. You can read the book by clicking on the link.

The wanted painting "Let the children come to me" which I wrote about on Monday, has been found after information from an arrested 50 years old man from Larvik, Norway. The return of the painting may create a second christmas eve for the church, and hopefully will they improve the security before Easter.
På den annen side - Våren er her!
Ellers enig med deg, og hyggelig at maleriet i Larvik er tilbake.
Dette må det om litt komme et innlegg fra meg på også...
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