Strolling the streets of Oslo or any city in the world, my eyes always search for sculptural objects.

Yesterday the spring-cut Poplar trees in
Skovveien (which is one of the Capital´s fashion streets), with the silhouette against the blue sky, was a natural sculpture,
and the street (Forrest street) is full of them

Other more "normal" sculptures you may find in
Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai where the Lion King really rules.

In Singapore the
Abacus seems to be used (and it does some places) although top modern card payment systems are in preferred operation everywhere.

Being in Asia or more specific in Oceania and Australia, the sculpture in the center of
Manly outside Sydney had to be documented, and I don´t think my wife is of any deterioration to the sculpture even if it is almost a fifteen years old photo.

In Copenhagen. Denmark this sculpture outside
Peder Oxe became an interesting toy for children, and maybe it is good they finish their playing with cigarettes at that age.

In Portugal and the city of
Evora this sculpture draw my attention, and I do (not?) think it represent an ancient bath-tub.

Back to Oslo and the melting dirty snow. With fantasy I have no problem defining these forms as animals (
Sea-Lions?), but there is why nature is perfect. The human mind are able to see what it want.

And the same can be said about culture called Embracement by the artist Per Ung. Use your imagination and fantasy. Bring your camera and open your mind to the forms around you. There are many of them out there.
S mye du har fartet rundt omkring på denne kloden var det nå liksom ikke måte på heller da hvor mange skulpturer du viser :-) likte nå den fra portugal godt jeg da, den setter i alle fall fantasien i sving, og fantasi er viktig!!!! som du skrev, fror å forstå nmåten kunstnerenutykker seg på blant annet, lage sine egne fantasier og bilder i hodet.
MEN at mine bloggvenner hadde så en skitten fantasi ang den agurken det synes jeg virkelig er underlig..., fader, må jo ha litt agurk over øynene før man sovner jo!!! forhindrer både poser under øyene og virker forebyggende på rynker det vet du.
Skovveien, den må skjekkes ut du..., har alltid gått den Bokstadveien opp og ned jeg da, men nå blir det e kurs i oslo i slutten av april og DA!!!
Herlig fotobukett!!!
Takk for titten.
Came over via David McMahon. You have some wonderful sculptures here. I thoroughly enjoyed your interview today (Sunday).
CJ xx
Loved your interview at David's and love these photographs. We were in Manly, Australia, 15 years ago - how on earth did we miss that sculpture?
Hmm, noen er bedre enn andre. Men nå forstår jeg meg ikke på slikt. regner med at de skulpturene jeg synes er flott, er det andre som ikke gidder å se på.
Variert og morsom samling dette Arne.
Great photos, very expressive. You clearly have a very good eye for these pictures. By the way, what does "Det er godt å Leve" mean?
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