Friday, March 27

Decoration of walls in southern Europe

A lot of bloggers have been looking up to find motives in the sky for publishing posts this Friday. Between the clouds in variations of colors and the empty blue or black sky behind, many beautiful objects are worth more focus, and at least I am very interested in what I can find at walls. My first photo covers a section of the oval walls in the music pavilion inside the Grand Bath at Montecatini Terme, a spa town in Tuscany, Italy. The first baths were built here in 1540, but was destroyed fifteen years later. Recovering started from the 18th century, when the first bath resorts were built. In the 20th century it became one of the most renowned health resorts in Italy,and one who took rest in Montecatini was Giuseppe Verdi,
Not far from Montecatini Terme to the west, we find the small town Lucca. Lucca was founded by the Etruscans (there are traces of a pre-existing Ligurian settlement) and became a Roman colony in 180 BC. Lucca is the birthplace of composer Giacomo Puccini (La bohème and Madama Butterfly), and the composer´s statue is located below this church wall.

Going further west, over the Mediterranean Sea and to the center of the Iberian peninsula, you reach the capital of Spain. This houses, at the entrance to the La Latina (a neighbourhood in the very city centre of Madrid.) are covered with interesting paintings. La Latina occupies the place of the oldest area in Madrid, the Islamic citadel inside the city walls, with narrow streets and large squares. From Madrid, to the south-west and Andalusia, you come to the city Seville where wall paintings can give you great experiences. Seville is more than 2,000 years old and have a mix of cultural expressions. The tiles on this photo are at the wall of the entrance of the restaurant Meson de la Infanta In Portugal and Lisbon, the tiles are usualy more blue and white, often showing heroic scenes. This one is made to pay tribute to Saint Valentine, a martyr in the Roman province of Africa.


Rune Eide said...

You have found some beautiful decorations. NOT the everyday graffiti!

And congratulations with the mentions at POTD on David's blog. Much deserved.

amylin said...

Wow, so many beautiful wall decorations you have foujnd!

Olga T said...

Beautiful dekorations!

Inger said...

For noen flotte kunstverk!

Evami said...

For noen flott dekorasjoner,og de er fra litt svunne tider ser dte ut som.Og da blir det enda mere imponerende synes jeg:) Ha en fin helg:)


utrolig flotte dekorasjoner! Det siste tok helt pusten fra meg!

Charlotte - FO² said...

Flotte bilder, av utrolig vakre verk!!!

TorAa said...

Impressive muraille decorations and photos.
very interesting.
Thanks for sharing all this beauty

Anne said...

Utrolig bra tolkning av bokstaven Arne!! Det er utrolig hvordan det med ett blir så åpenbart når man får det presentert du .-))

Nydelige veggdekorasjoner du har vist også her da, virkelige prydsmykker som sikkert har tatt en evighet å lage. Det gjelder å ha øyenen med seg når man drar rundt på turer, det skal være sikkert og visst.

D, ja, at man ikke tenkte på diabetes du, men en har vel det så mye i hjernen ellers på jobb, at detr er morsomt å bruke noe annet også. Morsom flott link di sendte meg da, leste hele den, og den legen!!! ja, han skulle vært headhuntet!!!!!! `Min`, den gamle dansken, altså en av de legene som har diabetesansvar hos oss for tiden, kunne jeg personlig ha rodd over Skagerak du!! bare forå raskest mulig ha blitt kvitt udyret. Eier ikke pedagogisk sans og pasientene `jager` han på en måte bort fra sykehuset med sin væremåte og sine uttalelser.
Ukompetent idiot, bare en ting å si om den saken.

Nå har helga freden senket seg over sykesøsteren og hun har fått noe varmende i glasset. kjølelskap er fylt med ting som sikkert på sikt vil i oss diabetes også :-)

God helg hilden til deg herfra, og så blogges vi vel i morgen tenker jeg.

hils fruen

Petunia said...

Flotte dekorative vegger hos deg i dag. Tenk å kunne male slik:)
Jeg er derimot usikker på om dette er et SWF elle ABC innlegg eller begge deler?

Anonymous said...

Du verden for noen flotte mosaikker og veggmalerier du viser oss her.
Det er stor kunst - bokstavlig og billedlig - de gamle kunstnerne har gitt oss!