The Tamil People is an ethnic group native to Tamil Nadu, a state in India and the north-eastern region of Sri Lanka. They speak Tamil, with a recorded history going back two millennia. Tamil was the first Indian language to be given classical status. The art and architecture of the Tamil people encompass some of the notable contributions of India and South East Asia to the art world. The music, the temple architecture and the stylised sculptures favored by the Tamil people in their ancient nation are still being learnt and practiced.
During a period of years Norwegian diplomacy has been active in the process of trying to create peace in the island of Ceylon (before 1972) where Sri Lanka Armed Forces and the Tamil Tigers have been at war. The effort failed. The present situation for the Tamils is very problematic. The whole people may be exorcised, and many refugees from this area have been given asylum to Norway.
Today Tamils from all over Scandinavia have been in the street of Oslo demonstrating for a new and extensive effort by the Norwegian government to make the Tamil people a possibility to have their own Nation safe and prosperous.
Huff ja, men jeg greier ikke følge med på alt jeg...hvem som er uenig om hva, og hva alle sammen protesterer på, går helt i surr!!
Takk for kommentaren Arne.
Jeg følger heller ikke med i denne saken mere enn det som er på dagsrevyen som demonstrasjoner og vandalisme på ambasaden til Sri Lanka.
Hvorfor siden fortsatt lastes tregt hos deg vet jeg ikke. Har prøvd å slette visse ting men det har tydelighvis ikke hjulpet. I og med at jeg har 10mbit begge veier så merker jeg det ikke selv og det er vanskelig å sjekke dette når man fjerner noe med den internetthastigheten. Jeg må få sjekket dette fra et sted med tregere nettlinje.
En fortsatt god helg ønskes dere i byen også.
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