Tuesday, April 1

Tuesday facts - Blogging numbers - help from Ganesha

2 months and 60 blogpost ago I made the choice to swap from Norwegian to English text. During this period the number of visitors have increased by more than 5000. Persons from all over the world have found it interesting to visit my daily articulations and photos.

The fact that my thoughts and meanings, values and experiences, photos and presentations are of interest to persons in Australia, Brazil, Canada, USA, Saudi Arabia, India, China, Southeast Asia, and Europe on more or less regular basis, is of importance to me. 25% of my visitors are now from countries outside Norway.
This has only been possible through language swapping.
Perhaps has some of my visitors got a new challenge in reading the posts and writing comments. May be some visitors leave me because of that, but new followers have emerged. Some may have popped up just accidently, and may be the photo fellowships on ABC Wednesday, Odd Shot Monday and Sky Watch Friday are the real reason behind the increase in numbers.

Never the less, the blogging has this year developed into an additional part of my life. Not always will that be good. If I am sitting more and more with my fingers on the keyboard instead of feeling the touch of the canvas through the paintbrush, or if I am so concerned of getting a unique scope to present instead of fully being a part of the adventures, some signallights must start to blink. If I start to feel nervous or paranoid when no comments occur on a post, or if I begin to feel left alone when some regular visitors take a break, it is time to reconsider the medium as such.

But still I am happy to hear from you all out there, and also happy to hear orally sometimes from odd persons saying that they follow my postings even not leaving messages. Being there and being part of the reality is the first challenge in establishing communication. Next is to be honest in admitting that you are there, and feel something related to what is presented. Third is the articulation and documentation of this through commenting. Than communication and personal development can be the result.

Language may be an obstacle, so today I put my Ganesha on top of my MacBook Pro and let him help as the Remover of Obstacles. Ganesha as Lord of Beginnings and Lord of Obstacles (Vighnesha, Vighneshvara), Patron of Arts and Sciences, and the Deva of Intellect and Wisdom, might be the major supporter in my struggle for getting a better quality blog with or without rewards.


Paulie said...

Yes, one of the memes you participate in brought me to your site in the first place but I have returned often because I enjoy reading and learning from your site.

When I first started blogging, I didn't branch out because I was afraid to get to some blog that might be offensive. . . I finally branched off when I was participating in Photo Hunters. . . it got too large for me -- I was taking three days to get thru the list and not all would return the visit so I felt discouraged.

Now that I am participating in 4 memes, I have found many blogs I love to visit for different reasons besides the memes.

Thank you!

mrsnesbitt said...

A very honest and thought provoking post Arnea!
I too have been reflecting, it does indeed show that somewhere, somebody connects with the daily tasks and experiences we share.
Have a good day!


Anonymous said...

Your blogg is interesting, it doesn't matter in what language you write. That a lot of people read what you write is the beste evidence.

dot said...

I enjoy seeing all the different places you show. It is nice that people of the world can connect through blogging.

Anne said...

Så flott at besøkstallene har økt og at kommunikiasjon med andre deler av verden har vokst. Nye bekjentskaper og ny kunnskap.

Husker tiden uten data, og da vi måtte bruke telefonen med "fornuft" (dvs. nesten ikke ringe)... fatter ikke at det er så få år siden i grunn.

Rune Eide said...

If someone like that popped out of my keyboard, I would have stopped blogging at once! ;-)

Pernille said...

Prøver meg på Norsk her da jeg faktisk er litt trøtt;)
Jeg er så enig med deg og etter at jeg har fått flere utenlanske gjester på bloggen min som ikke skjønte et dugg av hva teksten inneholdt, så gikk jeg over til Engelsk og Norsk i dag. Senere når jeg er blitt tryggere på min engelsk, så blir nok den Norske teksten borte. De fleste av oss forstår jo Engelsk selv om vi ikke helt tør å kaste oss ut i det skriftlige.
At mange finner bloggen din interissant, ja det skjønner jeg godt. For det gjør jeg også!

Fantastisk denne bloggverden!

Ha en fin fortsettele på blogg-uken:)

Ruth L.~ said...

I followed the link from Leslie's blog. You have much of value to say, I can see that. And I look forward to looking at your photos on flickr. Flickr is such a bog place I'm sure I never would have found you there.

Sharon said...

This was an interesting and thought provoking post. I admire people who have the option to write in more than one langusge.

Neva said...

I love your post today....and I admire people who can communicate in more than one language. But I found you through ABC Wed and I am glad you switched to English as I have learned a lot from you.

Powell River Books said...

You K for kidney has a very special meaning. It is hard to imagine how difficult that must have been. I loved all of your travel pictures, but liked the one of you and your wife in traditional costume. Growing up in Los Angeles there just wasn't any kind of national tradition either in clothing of food. My grandmother was from Norway so we had some traditional foods at holidays. I think it is really important to have strong national ties and feelings. - Margy