January (28 posts) covered among others the War in Gaza, the death of the Norwegian philosopher Arne Næss and this image from january 20th. Go there and see more:

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Ynglinga saga, the first book of Heimskringla, first mentions a Yule feast in 840. After 1000, it is the main feast of the year.
- Again we have produced Yule-being's feast [mead of poetry], our rulers' eulogy, like a bridge of masonry.
Although Yule in modern times proper starts with the chiming of the church-bells in the afternoon of julaften ("Yule Eve" or "Christmas Eve") on December 24, the previous day lillejulaften (little Christmas Eve), when the tree is put up and decorated, is increasingly the actual start date for the 13 day long Yule celebration in Norway.
Julaften remains the main event, with a traditional lunch, dinner and the exchange of gifts. Traditional dishes vary by region, but ribbe (pork ribs), and pinnekjøtt, some places also codfish are eaten. (We are having cod and red wine today)
As a continuation of older beliefs, a bowl of porridge is sometimes left outside for nisse . Maybe the spots in the snow show that "Nisse" has visited my cottage.