Sunday, July 6

Bridges on a Odd Shot Monday

As my regular visitors are well informed about, I spent some days on Flem Island a week ago. The arrival to "Eidet" and our good friends Asbjørn and Anne Katharina (their house can be seen upper right if you click on the photo), has to be done by passing the bridge over "Ullasundet" as seen on the photo above.
The small island behind the bridge is called "Ullaholmen" and is only occupied by "wild" sheep that are living out there the year around.
The second Bridge today is the tiny walking bridge to Ulla Lighthouse on Kvernholmen only a few hundred meters to the west from the first bridge. You may rent the house on the island, and do fishing (granted result) from the shores around. Yesterday I mentioned I planned to visit Kistefos Museum which we did in continuous rainy weather. A fantastic exhibition with 54 oil/tempera paintings by Thore Heramb cannot be recommended high enough. No camera accepted in the gallery, but in the park you may se some fantastic sculptures well fitted for Monday Odd Shots.

The first is Bjarne Melgaard´s "Octopus" from 1997 and the second Petroc Sesti´s "Energy/Matter/Space/Time" from 2006 Turn the next 180 gr around to see the correct versionThere is a bridge at Kistefos Træsliperi too, controlling "Randelva" and the waterfall for the old Pulp mill and the hydroelectric power plant. For more Bridges go to RuneE´s Blogroll and for Odd Shots visit Katneys site


GAWO said...

Virkelig mye info her. Og vakre bilder. Tusen takk. :-)

Katney said...

You've done double duty, and both quite amazing. Those sculptures are Odd indeed, and as always, I love the reflection shot.

Dina said...

How much I would like to cross that bridge and stay in the island house for a time! The octopus is so strange. Beautiful and interesting places you show.

FANCY said...

That must be a place who is really hard to leave. beautiful pic and interesting reading.:)

My bridge is up to.

mrsnesbitt said...

The island looks simply awesome! No wonder you look forward to visiting!

Kyanite said...

Two posts in one & both excellent.
The octipus is fummy.
And, it was worth standing on my head to see the reflection right way up - LOL!

Anonymous said...

Artige bilder du har bidratt med denne gangen Arne. Har kjørt forbi Kistefoss flere ganger. Neste gang tror jeg at det må bliet stopp der!

Min Bro er her.

GundaM said...

Wow sier nå jewg da.Nydelig sted det øverste...
Og den octopusen din må virkelig være verd et besøk.

takk for titten og inspirasjonen her inne;)

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

lovelt bridge across to the islands the buried octopus is strange and love the reflection but i'm not standing on my head for anybody.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I would like to cross the birdge to visit the is fascinating place, just to see the buried octopus alone.

Anne said...

Flott Arne, flott bro, og for en trivelig og spesiell plass dette må være å besøke da :-) Vær hardt og nesten helt uten et eneste tre. Tenk å rusle i fjæra der du..., sitter med stjerner i blikket her jeg nå !!

Der hadde vel Rune fått rikelig med Måse "doser" tenker jeg :-))om han hadde vært med.

Huff ja, ser dere har fått regnvær nede hos dere. her skinner atter solen fra en nesten skyfri himmel.

Anonymous said...

Magnificent photos, you can feel the atmosphere! Beautiful.

Marie said...

Interessant! Vakre bilde!

Unknown said...

Meget flotte landskaps bilder.
Det er vakkert i Møre og Romsdal.
Likte speilbildet godt.
Great post.

Unknown said...

Ja jeg var sikker på at det var Bærum selv, men når jeg prøvde å google frem litt info om Nesøybrua så fant jeg ikke noe, bare at det var Asker kommune og det samme gjelder Nesøya. Så ikke vet jeg hvor grensen går. :-)

Paulie said...

Your photo tour was wonderful with the accompanying text. I loved the Marble Boat most of all and the arch over the river below it.

I came by also to comment on your odd shots and Bridges Between and will do that in a minute. Hope you will come nd see mine also. I ahve all three posted.

Paulie said...

OK, I give up. . . while I like the background photo, it is very distracting to me with my eyes running from allergies and I think I posted my comment on the wrong place.I enjoyed both your bridges and the odd sculptures also. Come and see my "bridge", odd shot and ABC entries.