Sunday, July 13

Happy Birthday Helene - 5 years today

5 years have past since the message about Helenes too hasty way to life arrived us in Verona. Premature birth is a huge challenge to child and parents. Many obstacles have been conquered but today this beautiful girl can celebrate her 5 years birthday.

Grandma and Grandpa send all the Congratulation to Helene on her five years birhday.


The photos taken on our last visit to Wales. Helene is playing in her garden on the first and having breakfast and almost ready to go to primary school in her uniform on the second.

Only a few weeks left now until the school will close this term, and Helene will have her summer holiday together with Henrik, mum and dad. May be we will see you too.


Anonymous said...

Gratulerer til stolte besteforeldre, og en spesiell hilsen til the birthday girl.

mrsnesbitt said...

What a sparkler! Lovely, friendly eyes.