The special announcement this Friday is only the portrait of myself with the black pirate looking protection of the stitches closing my eyelids.
I am not ashamed of my look, and may be someone also find it .................
You never know.
Back home the dinner was prepared for enjoying a great Norwegian Miracle
Once a year a miracle takes place in the Arctic Ocean. Between January and March the Norwegian coast is the scene of one of nature's most magnificent events. From the enormous, nutrient-rich grazing areas in the Barents Sea in the north, the arctic cod arrive by the millions, migrating into the spawning fields along the wintery coast of Norway.
This cod, which when spawning is called skrei, the goal is the area by the beautiful and fascinating island kingdom of Lofoten, about 400 km north of the Polar Circle. In the Barents Sea, the skrei has spent at least five years maturing to adulthood. It is then sexually mature and strong enough to make the long journey from the ocean far in the north to the coast of Norway.
The "skrei" is cod in its prime, full of energy and fertility.
The traditional Norwegian preparation is simple: fish, liver and roe (each in a separate pot) are poached until tender in boiling, lightly salted water and served with boiled carrots and potatoes. Served with red wine, you are close to heaven when finished your meal.
After this delicious Friday meal, we serve home made Pizza tomorrow.
Hi ~ Fru Burum's sounds like a great place to hang out on a Friday! Cheers. And I had never heard of skrei before - enjoy!
Som datter av en far med 30 års tjeneste i Fiskeridirektoratets kontrollverk bare MÅ man være glad i fisk. Og færskfesk-levver-å-rogn er jeg oppvokst med. Når begge mine foreldre er fra Vardø bare MÅ man like fisk. And I do!
Ivar Ivrig liker ikke torsk. Blir kvalm bare ved tanken, sier han. Så lutefisk for to kan jeg se langt etter. Det samme med færskfeks-levver-å-rogn. Da må jeg hjem til mine foreldre som ALLTID har denne årstidens gourmet-måltid på menyen i februar. Takk og lov!
JA! du gjetter rett min venn.
Du ser fortryllende ute, litt spennende og tøff på en og samme tid .-))
Selv synes jeg vel også dennne fargeuka har vært litt lang. En uke med tema er i det drygeste laget. heretter blir det vel bare mandagstema kanskje, om en får en god ide.
Men nå har jeg noe timer her, grunnet over; hva er en normal post??? DET må du gi meg svaret på, for tror jammen ta du ikke er den sm er så glad i interiør heller??
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