I will not use the "Three Musketeers" notation on us, but the last years we have developed a special relation. We are all transplanted; Arne heart and kidney, Rune heart and Truls two lungs. Although we have all got life prolongation through organ donation, we live with lifelong medication and side effect connected to this.
This Monday morning we are all enrolled at a hospital.
Rune at Haukeland, Bergen,
Truls at Rikshospitalet, Oslo and

myself at Ullevål University hospital, Oslo.
(All these photos are taken at my local: "fru Burum´s" where we met for chat and pints)
That´s part of post-transplantation life, but it´s still great to live.
God bedring til dere alle! Jeg krysser fingrene for dere "Three Musketeers":)Stå på:))
Klem fra Pernille:)
Yes Arne, it is great to be alive, and wonderful you have found friends through adversity, a bond I suspect that is all the stronger for having been there and experienced what the other has gone through.
Hope you are soon well enough to be discharged and allowed to continue enjoying life to the full.
Veldig hyggelig skrevet Arne! Vi får håpe det blir flere besøk hos "Fru Burum"! Håper det gikk bra med deg idag og ser frem til rapport. Er selv av iv og over til tabletter. Hjemme om et par dager?
Det er ikke så kjekt å tenke på at dere nå er innlagt på hvert deres sykehus. Men dere blir jo tatt godt vare på og da håper jeg at dere snart er hjemme igjen. Jeg ønsker dere alle tre riktig god bedring. :-)
I'm glad you are alive too. Speedy recovery and keep pressing onward.
I'm glad you are alive too. Speedy recovery and keep pressing onward.
I hope you all have a speedy recovery and things all go well....good luck to all of you.....
Stay strong, you three! Take good care and know you are thought of warmly and greatly admired.
I'm out of hospital, finaly after 2 weeks. I'm now at Glittre for rehab. Get well soon, ArneA and RuneE!
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