According to Norwegian popular belief some people have a "guiding spirit" which precedes them wherever they go. On
Sunday Feb 13. I published a post with concern for the troubles Fire Brigades could have in the city street due to very limited snow clearance. During the last days the challenges have only increased.
Sunday night was however this sign raised in the same street:

Maybe the fire brigadiers in their truck saw me taking the photos, or the "higher alien powers" became active. If the clearance tools appear within short this morning, I will take a photo and post it as an enclosure to this post. In the meantime you can have a look at the slideshow video made by me during March 2007 snow clearance. Heavy hardware tools had to be used.
( music by Abba.)
Konklusjon: Vekk med alle bilene i Oslo sentrum og over på kollektivtrafikk. Norges best utbygde.
Conclusion: Get rid of all the cars in the Centre of Oslo City and start using the Public Transport. It is after all the best in Norway.
Å jøss, har du laget den videon selv??? så stilig, noe av det tøffeste jeg har sett på lenge. Vakker musikk også så klart :-)
Men at det er så mye snø på dine trakter, det må da være noe uvanlig.Problemet i de traktene der, er vel at man må klø seg lenge i hodet for å finne en plass å lagre snøen på. Å Arne, denne fikk dagens toppscore fra meg!!!!!!
Ha en fin fin dag min venn.
Bevares så mye snø dere har!
Her regner det og veiene er snøfri allerede.
Flott video!!!
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